Parish Council
Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos
Theodore Karachalias, Jr.
Tim Tsiotsias, D.C.
Ioannis Palanis
Marianna Cardenas
General Council Members
Stefanos Balok
Steven Gonedes
Foti Dimas
Anna Karan
George Sykiotis
Our mission is to maintain, proclaim and teach our Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition to the faithful and all those who seek to become one with God.
The Parish Council is the administrative body of the St. George community elected by its stewards for the purpose of working together with the Parish Priest in fulfilling the mission and goals of the community. Our goal is to make parish life the life focus of our parishioners. Our primary role is to see that parish ministries are in place that foster the spiritual progress of the faithful.
The local governing body of a Parish also explains a fundamental aspect of the structure of the Orthodox Church. Both clergy and laity are the “People of God,” who seek by the grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission entrusted to them to live and proclaim the Holy Gospel and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church.
Historically, clergy and laity have worked together in dealing with matters of the Church’s life. The Parish Council is an example of the synergy of clergy and laity; it is a vehicle for implementing the ongoing mission of the Church and planning the necessary strategies, policies, procedures, and activities that will enable the Parish to move forward in accomplishing God’s work.
The Parish council serves s a special ministry which requires total love, loyalty, and dedication to Christ and His Church. It is the official representative of the Church and thus the members are expected to exert every effort to exemplify its sacred character and spirit.