Dance Troupe Pledge Submission


Form is also available for download here. Please mail or drop off filled form to the church office. 

Please initial and sign the pledge for all applicable children


The St. George Dance Troupe is part of the parish youth ministry program. It provides opportunities to participate in religious, cultural and other programs. The youth will be able to volunteer in our church, learn about the Greek culture while enriching their faith and building friendships.

All families of youth members must be paid members of St. George. There is a fee for program expenses of is listed on the registration form. There will be additional costs for special events and out of town trips.

Many parishes feel it appropriate to have the youth take a Pledge of Allegiance as an expression of responsibility and understanding of the sacredness of being a member of the youth ministry.

I do solemnly affirm that I will uphold the teachings, traditions, worship and moral principles of the Holy Orthodox Faith, by-laws and guidelines of my Parish, Diocese and the Archdiocese of America. I will strive to be an example and positive Christian role model to my fellow brothers and sisters and to those whom I come into contact with. I will faithfully and sincerely fulfill the duties and obligations required of this ministry. So help me God.

Student #1 Initials & Signature
Youth's Initials Parent's Initials Pledge – I understand that as a youth of St. George, I will:

Attend church services and Catechetical classes/Religious Education School.

Obey and respect all directions of the youth advisers while attending youth events.

Remain on the grounds at all functions and leave only with the permission of an
Refrain from using the following abusive language, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and physical violence.


Youth Signature and Printed Name
Parent Signature and Printed Name
I wish to sign up a second student